
Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours


Tuesday 10 September 2013

10th September - It's That Time of Year!

It's that time of year - the youngsters are out and about! 

Not too bad a breeding season here on Skye: 12 young Sea Eagles hit the skies, compared to 13 Golden Eagles . . . considering there are many more pairs of Golden Eagles on the island the Sea Eagles are fairing much better, as has been the case in recent years. 

We've had some great views in the last week with one newly fledged Golden Eagle being particularly entertaining - first practicing take offs and landings on the hillside, then playing with it's food, dropping it and then stooping down to "kill" it before picking it back up and repeating the exercise. Then the other day it was squaring up to three young Sea Eagles that were on carrion on it's patch. 

My favourite Otter, who kicked out her two kids in March, now has another young one to look after. They've been giving us great views this week playing and hunting along the shore. 

Further along the coast is another mum with twins, although they've been a little more secretive. But the highlight of the week was nothing to do with the youngsters - a female Otter feeding on a huge Conger Eel on the shore. The Conger was easily twice her size, sadly we'd missed the "catch" as it must have been quite a tussle!

Photo: It's that time of year - the youngsters are out and about! 

Not too bad a breeding season here on Skye: 12 young Sea Eagles hit the skies, compared to 13 Golden Eagles . . . considering there are many more pairs of Golden Eagles on the island the Sea Eagles are fairing much better, as has been the case in recent years. We've had some great views in the last week with one newly fledged Golden Eagle being particularly entertaining - first practicing take offs and landings on the hillside, then playing with it's food, dropping it and then stooping down to "kill" it before picking it back up and repeating the exercise. Then the other day it was squaring up to three young Sea Eagles that were on carrion on it's patch. My favourite Otter, who kicked out her two kids in March, now has another young one to look after. They've been giving us great views this week playing and hunting along the shore. Further along the coast is another mum with twins, although they've been a little more secretive. But the highlight of the week was nothing to do with the youngsters - a female Otter feeding on a huge Conger Eel on the shore. The Conger was easily twice her size, sadly we'd missed the "catch" as it must have been quite a tussle!

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